Monday, February 20, 2012

Who's Patronus? Sailor PokeMoon's.

& All of it's Fantasms. 

           It's so easy to fall into the routinely norm of school and work and family and significant others and time wasters, that we almost slip away from who we truly are. I know how corny and cliche that sounds, but it's true for everyone. I think this why I love going to Conventions & Conferences: I get such a high from them. Because you're surrounded by people with the same passions as your's and nothing else matters except participating in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament or taking a picture with a real-life TARDIS. 
          I go through these phases where I feel unaccomplished and bored and like I'm not doing anything meaningful or fun with my life. The feeling overwhelms me and I start an irrational project like wanting to read a hundred books in a year or up-and-go to an Anime/Comics/Sci-Fi Convention in Orlando to meet Tom Felton. I keep tacking things on to this list of things I want to do this year; and since MegaCon, I've compiled yet another list strictly of Cons I want to go to. My goal is at least 3 this year. 3 Cons, 100 books read, 1 book written, and re-watch all 83 episodes of the original Pokemon. 
          I feel like I'm rambling because I pretty much am. There are so many fantastic things I'm planning to do this year. Especially with La Band and reading and writing. The Nerd Cells in my body are so fully charged I feel like I'm going to explode. This is what I love about conventions - they fire you up because you're not worried about homework and workwork, just the things you're passionate about. All I want to do, and in fact, did do, is watch anime, play Mario Brothers, register for conventions, write & record music, and read as many books as possible until I sound like a pretentious know-it-all.  
          Maybe this is why I want to keep going back to cons - maybe I feel I need a constant reminder of who I truly am: A Draco Malfoy fangirl bleeding green and silver, a Doctor Who fanatic shipping Tennant & Rose, a secret Pokemon/Sailor Moon lover at heart who needs a convention to bring it out of her, a Browncoat without a show, a writer lacking a finished product, and a novel-addict with list of goals and accomplishments she keep's forgetting to refer to. 
          I'm making a promise to myself that I'm not going to let society cloud my vision of who I am. I'm going to try and not let myself get into the My-Life-Is-Boring-Rutt because I'm making a point to allow myself one Nerdism a day. Nerdisms will be posted at the end of the week. 
          Also, even if you're not a Nerdfighter but you have things you're passionate about, don't let Life trick you into thinking the things you're passionate about are less important than the things that unfairly prioritize themselves as "having" to be done. 

          PS: Tom Felton was absolutely gorgeous and despite the photographer attacking me when I attempted a hug, it was an amazing experience. Got some fantastic t-shirts and hand-drawn Doctor Who art, along with a mini-TARDIS. I'm so hot, wouldn't ya say? 
          PSS: Kind of completely unrelated, but some minor updates: La Band (Now referred to as "Native Tapestries,") is auditioning for Battle of the Bands this weekend; we also have a gig March 3rd. And I was nominated for Student Employee of the Year, so I've got a banquet for that March 28th, and I was invited to some Important Person Dinner Banquet in early March. Sooo.. March will be a good month and now you're updated.

Books read: 2

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The "I'm-Single-So-I-Have-The-Right-To-Hate-Valentine's-Day" Epidemic

It's really exciting when something inspires me to blog about society's imperfections. Today's topic: Valentine's Day and Why Single, (or as I was informed earlier,) Cheap People, Hate It. Some history of Valentine's Day...
Valentine's Day originally was to honor Christian martyrs known as Valentinus in 496 A.D. and became the day of expressing affection to loved ones in the form of "courtly love." This was only exclusive in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer, known as the Father of European Literature, until the 15th Century when the tradition of flowers, chocolates, and greeting cards became the expression of affection worldwide. 

What bothers me so much about Valentine's Day is infallible desire for people to criticize Valentine's Day because they don't have a significant other, or just for the mere fact of wanting to be "different" and go against society by expressing callused words like, "I don't need a man, nor a day of flowers and chocolates to be happy." or "Cuddling with myself tonight. Screw the Valentine's Day Commercialism." 

If you're going to hate Valentine's Day because you don't have a lover to spoil you, you might as well hate Halloween because people don't think 20 year olds in costumes is cute's creepy and most often, unpleasantly suggestive. And you might as well hate Christmas because Santa doesn't exist, and darn it, "you're getting one big present this year." You better not even think about enjoying Thanksgiving because you hate all of your family members anyway, and the majority of them are in jail or on the pipe...and how could you be remotely thankful for that?

It's just wrong and discriminatory to not enjoy one holiday because you feel as if you don't have the right credentials. Suck it up, push up those girls, and find a man. Maybe if you spent less time on Facebook posting statuses about how much you hate Valentine's Day, you'd use your time more wisely and invest in a mate. 

Happy Valentine's Day! <3

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Resurrection Post

I'm a zombie!
Hello, followers and readers alike! 

I am, in fact, back from the dead. I haven't posted since November 1st, when I was informing everyone of my one-month-hiatus-which-gradually-and-unexpectedly-turned-to-a-three-month-hiatus. Most sincere apologies on my part; hope you all can forgive and refollow! 
First, I want to thank the 75 viewers who have kept checking my blog for updates or rereading old posts back when I had time and NaNoWriMo didn't murder me and all that good, snazzy business. Sidebar: I, *audible sigh*, did not finish NaNoWriMo; I got a little over halfway finished and my "If-I-Don't-Finish-Completely" goal was at least finish halfway. But no worries, I AM going to finish my novel at some point, and it will be edited and revised and hopefully sent out to publishing companies this year. 
Second: After the last post, there were finals and projects and papers, oh my! But I ended up having the greatest winter break of all time. I finally traveled; which is something I've wanted to start doing for awhile. Saw Pennsylvania, New York City, and D.C., plus a bunch amazing little perks like The Crayola Factory and witnessed candy canes be made from scratch and experience snow tubing. Although I missed my family terribly, I spent one beautiful kick-butt month with the boyfriend and his family and they truly made it special for me. Still thanking my family and his family a million times over for letting me experience things I never have before! 
Third: Which catches us somewhat up to the present. I'm taking 18 credits this semester; including, Air Traffic: Orlando TRACON, Air Traffic: Daytona Tower, Evolution of Scientific Thought, Thunderstorms, Occupational Safety, and Music Appreciation & Criticism. Wide variety of classes, I know. It's consuming me and taking up the majority of my time, but I desperately want to finish a year and a half early. And I'm totally going to because I'm like, a superhuman. 
Fourth: Speaking of superhumanisms, a couple of my friends and I have somehow compiled what seems to be a Folk Indie band. And we're pretty much fantastic. I'm absolutely more excited about this than like, anything right now. Mostly because a) I haven't had anything to do with anything musical in over a year and b) there's so much talent between the three of us, it's explosive. We're in-between-names at the moment because apparently there's a Tapestry Music Collective, which for some reason, sounds too much like The Tapestry Collective. Click here for fantasmic talent! We performed Monday night at the campus talent show (which can be seen in the aforementioned link) and the audience was extremely responsive. It's definitely something we all want to pursue and are ridiculously excited about. More details on this business later--like a band name and upcoming performances and all that good musical stuff. 
Fifth: I'm resetting goals for myself. The first being, read 100 books this year. I have no idea how I'm going to do it, but I'm so ready to do this. I also want to finish my novel, start a journal of famous last words, and TRAVEL. More on this later, I really should be studying for a test. 
Sixth & Last: I'M MEETING TOM FELTON NEXT WEEKEND AT MEGACON! Ahhhh, freaking out, excited, can't handle it, going crazy, fangirl, fangirl, fangirl! Etcetera. 

Well, that's all folks. Promise I won't be a zombie anymore. I've already used my Zombie Card. No more disappearing acts! 

Books read: 1