Sunday, November 4, 2012

Outlets, Expression, Babies, and Just a lot of DEEPNESS

          I can't believe it's been seven months since I've blogged, but I really think it's time again. I've got so much going on and I just really need some outlets. Just to get you guys up to date, the band is still together, I'm still blonde (with the exception of the new blue streak!), I'm still an Air Traffic student, and I'm still obsessed with too many fandoms.
           Yes, the band is still together and we're making more music again, FINALLY. I've really missed hanging out with theguys and just having a blast and exhaling the week's baggage through music. I think everyone needs an outlet to purge the bad within ourselves. Sometimes we let the stress of our jobs and schooling define us and we forget the beauty of the little things and who we are as individuals. It's like we become sponges; we take in a little stress here and a little stress there, and we take it to heart when people hurt us. And we absorb all of the bad of the day or week or even month and we lose track of our hearts; we don't squeeze out those things that we've absorbed. I think that's why I get in these moods where all I want to do is listen to music and make music and play music and be with the people I love. I just want to squeeze out the bad and get back to my heart through singing with my best friends and WRITING. We all need outlets to get back in touch with ourselves. Find one, if you haven't. (:
         I've also recently acquired a handful of babysitting jobs. I watch an 18 month old girl, a two year old boy, and a four year old Autistic boy. It really bothers me when adults say, he or she is "just a kid." It's like, just because a person isn't over 18, they can't teach adults anything. I can honestly say that I've learned so much from these kids that haven't even reached Kindergarten-age, yet. It just amazes me how kids' minds are so simple and appreciate everything. They hang on to every single moment. While us adults are almost never satisfied with what we have, constantly upgrading, buying more, and we're rushing all the time, I can put my hands over my eyes and then reappear in a matter of seconds, and to a child, it's the most fascinating thing in the world. The greatest part is that they will never get sick of it. Ever. It's amazing that they fight each other for your attention and if you throw one in the air, you have to throw the other. And it's exhausting and tiring and no, you don't get time for yourself until they're asleep. But it's the most exciting and invigorating experience I could ever ask for. The innocence and simple-mindedness of a child is refreshing; and it too, helps me remember to appreciate the little things. Like peek-a-boo.
          I know this return post is deep; it's kind of more for myself than for you, readers. But I do hope, that if you haven't purged your sponge or done something for YOURSELF to make the light inside of you shine brighter, I encourage you to do it! It's fun! I promise!
          Also, some bands that are awesome for this sort of thing:
The Head and the Heart
The Paper Kites
Of Monsters and Men
Mumford & Sons


Books read: 26

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