Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fall Semester: A Reflection

I wish I could say that I'm officially done with this semester, but I still have one more final tomorrow at 8AM.  And, this will be the first time ever, that I studied before play time. The past couple posts haven't necessarily been blogs, but more like lists and surveys and life lessons. So, I'm writing an old-fashioned blog tonight. Tonight's post is all about reflecting on the absolute MAD HOUSE this semester has been and how ever flipping grateful I am that it is over. 

This whole semester has been an ongoing roller coaster of ups and downs. There were a LOT of times where I was seriously considering dropping Air Traffic entirely and go into communications for writing, because if I'm not controlling airplanes, I want to write books and play music and sell wittle crafts, like tiny crochet'd elephants or, I don't know, clay owls. Yes, for the rest of my life. And I kept getting into these weird moods where I was constantly asking myself if ATC was the right choice for me or if I should really do something that will make me happy? It's not that ATC doesn't make me happy; it excites me beyond belief. It's just that the class I was in this semester was dreadfully boring and overly complicated. And the more time I spent around the bandmates, I think we were all going through this "I need to find myself" kind of thing, my feelings heightened. As the semester dragged on, however, and after like, one million breakdowns and self re-evaluations, I think I'm okay with myself again. This still doesn't change the fact that I want to cut my hair off and put red, blue, and purple streaks in it. 

I will say, though, I think I've learned more this semester than I have any other semester my entire life. I had had an amazing bunch of teachers, minus 2, who need to sit in on their own classes. Perhaps they'll understand why there was essentially a mass silent agreement to not participate in, what I refer to as, The PowerPoint Drone Chronicles. My favourite, favourite teacher this semester was Dr. Stotland, my super-hottie-Russian-accent-having World History professor. He was just extremely engaging and I can honestly say that I have never loved history, nor learned more from a history class than I did from Stotland. I also loveeeed my mythology class. The course ended up being exceedingly more difficult than I intended it to be, but I learned some fantastic life lessons in there. Like, that the best people get the worst trials because they keep passing the tests over and over. And we keep getting trials thrown at us because a higher power wants us to grow into the best and strongest people possible; once we've stopped growing from trials, what else is there to live for? 

If everything goes according to plan, I should end up with 4 A's and 2 B's this semester. It's not as good as I was hoping for, but I seriously need to chillax on the whole Capricorn Thing and lay off myself. And as much as I try to not get mad at myself for having 2 B's, I can't help it. I really need to work on being more easy-going. I actually chuckled when I wrote that because I've been trying to do that for years. Yeah-freaking-right. 

Highlights of the semester would definitely consist of the mystery drawings on the whiteboard every morning before history class, the Halloween Party at Dan & Katie's, the music festival I went to with Logan and Ben, arguing with my weather professor until he gave me the extra 3 points that I deserved on my exam, entering a pie eating contest, adding a 4th member to the band and realizing how much we've evolved together as musicians, being referred to as "Sunshine," "Bright Eyes," "My Favourite Hippie," and "Perky" by the Air Traffic Professors, cutting my hair off, being introduced to so many fantastic musicians, and applying for spring graduation.

Normally, this would be the part where I would list the low lights of the semester, but I honestly don't want to relive those. All I can say is that I'm so happy to call myself (one-final-away-from-being) DONE with this fall semester. And I can happily, and proudly say that it will be my LAST fall semester! Counting down the days until I am on the train and on my way to Pennsylvania, where I will spend the holidays and leave the low lights of fall behind me. 


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