With the Inauguration yesterday, and thousands upon thousands of Americans marching today in the Women's March across the country, I feel the need to write about some things that are pressing on my heart. I'm aware that many will say that I need to keep my opinions to myself, stop whining, suck it up, and accept things as they are. Let me say something about that: WHEN HAS THIS COUNTRY EVER BEEN ACCEPTING OF THINGS AS THEY ARE!?
Looking back throughout history, I can't help but to think, what if our Founding Fathers just accepted the British rule and tyranny we were under and never fought for freedom to be our own nation? What if our country accepted the things of slavery and then segregation, and never fought itself to no longer be divided by the color of our skin? What if women accepted that we don't deserve the right to vote and never marched and protested to earn such a precious, privilege this country offers? Here's what makes this country so great: We. Don't. Always. Accept.
And that should be great! That should be encouraged! And yet, since the results of the election, the winning side has constantly called us, "whiners," that we "throw tantrums," that we're "sore losers" who just can't respect our new President. Here's what I say to you all: stop telling me what I am; stop telling me what I shouldn't be offended by; and stop telling me what I should respect.
***This is where I got really personal and wrote way too much and deleted everything.***
But here's what I will say: as I watch the hundreds of thousands of women and men marching today, to stand up for love; to stand up for equality; to stand up for racial equality; and being able to make her own choice, I am so proud. These marches and protests are not an act of "whining" and being a "sore loser," they are an act of standing up for what makes this country so great and so beautiful! The many things that have moved our country ten steps forward and not standing for setting our country ten steps back. Marriage equality, racial equality, women's rights, and we came out of one of the worst economic crisis since The Great Depression. We have come so far as a country, let's not undo all that we've done. Let's march and speak up and not let our girls think its okay to be objectified and belittled by men.
And again, I say to the ones who try to silence us, stop calling what we're marching for, a "temper-tantrum." Stop telling us we need to just accept the "Locker-Room Talk." And stop, stop, telling us to accept things as they are; because I wonder, Winning Side, how much you would have accepted the results if that "Nasty Woman" made it into office?
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