"I'm heart-feltly sorry for taking over a week to post new content."
Whew, now that that's off of my chest...
Status Report on my Mini-Bucket Bucket List for September:
1. I got a new book! "The Lightning Thief" - it's fictional Greek Mythology, fantasy, and hilarious, and I'm in love. And I've kind of been reading more than one chapter a day because I'm a book addict.
2. So far, I've gotten the whole first season of Sex and the City and completed it! Getting the second season tomorrow since the bloody library closed when I went today. -.-
3. Crunches... not so much. But I've been working out on the Wii Fit everyday? Count? Yes? No?
4. Still haven't found money to buy two more books..
5. Already failed this - had a busy, and yet not-eventful-enough-to-blog-about-week.
6. I've repainted my nails.
7. Not applicable - haven't had any exams yet!
8. Still haven't made a normal friend. Everyone I've met fits into one (or in some cases two)
of two categories:
a. The Nonversationalist: (aka: One who can't hold a conversation)
aa. They consist of three statements: "Hey." "How are you?" "How are classes?" And then they kind of just nod and agree because they are incapable of forming their own opinions or stories; this is then followed by a pursed lip and broken eye contact, which in turn, ends the conversation. In response to the previously stated, I could say, "Hey." "Suicidal." and "I murdered my weather professor today, so that class is good now." And they would nod and agree. b. The Play-Flaker: (aka: One who makes all of the plans to hang out, but never follows through)
bb. This has happened to me on at least 4 occasions in the past two weeks. Conversation is as follows: "Hey! Oh my gosh, how are you? (For the record, the "Hey, how are you" is stated throughout all groups of people, it's just the inflection that changes. Inflection is key.) I haven't seen you in forever! Let's totally go to the beach/movies/dinner/lunch/salon/apartment/club/whatever this weekend! Text me!" But you know something? They never say, "I'll. Text. You." This way, when you don't text them, because you weren't really sure if they were being serious or fake, the blame is on you for falling through with the plans. So they've played you - and flaked out on you. The Play-Flaker.
So in short, no, I've not made one normal friend yet.
9. Uhm, failed this one. I fell asleep in class Wednesday morning. So start thinking up a punishment for me.
10. Still in progress! But so far, I only need an hour and half more until I reach six, so I'll definitely be over.
I have two punishments already! PLEASE submit punishments in the comments, or email them to This Email Address, here! if you don't have a blogger account.
Deuces and juices.
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